I am looking for a way to automatically adjust the height the cells in a row based on the columns that are visible, in Excel O365 Pro Plus

I have a spreadsheet, that I have 12 columns of varying row heights (39 to 212) and column widths (4 to 76). I have a few columns that are grouped, and have wrap text on. What I would like to occur is when the grouped columns are collapsed, the row height automatically updates to the maximum height of the remaining/visible cells (eg the column that contains the 212 height column will be hidden, so I want the row height to adjust to the max height of the remaining/visible cells in that row - ie overriding the 'auto height' of the cells in the row that has been hidden).

I would like it to occur automatically on click of the "collapse group" if possible, but happy to click a macro after closing the group if required.

Thanks in advance for any help!