Hello again me not so Proficient in Excel Macro as well . I am trying to get rid of the Tedious jobs .
I am looking for a Macro Script which validate from today if 7 days soon to be Overdue, 8 Days Overdue , something like this

Count of Incident Overdue Status
Owner Group In SLA Overdue SLAHOLD Soon To be Overdue Grand Total
Group A 1 1 1
Group B 1 1 1
Group C 4 3 7 14

Some thing like this . In SLA 1 Ticket in Group A , Overdue 1 Ticket,
Like this please anybody can help to create the excel file with Macro or Share Macro script to create
Overdue = 12 Hours
Soon to be Overdue = 8 Hours
In SLA = 12 Hours say 9 AM - 5 : 30 PM is 8 & half hours then next working day 9 AM - 11:30 AM or can be 7 days
SLA HOLD can be unlimited

So please anybody can help me in this trouble.
Also Conditional Formatting needed with Color
Overdue = RED
Soon to be Overdue = YELLOW
In SLA = Green