I have this code that extracts all the text from all the mail in my inbox

Sub OutlookEMails1() Dim ns As Namespace Dim Inbox As MAPIFolder Dim myitem As Outlook.MailItem Dim FileName As String Dim i As Integer Dim objSearchFolder As Outlook.MAPIFolder Dim item As Object Dim mai As MailItem
Set ns = GetNamespace("MAPI") Set Inbox = ns.GetDefaultFolder(olFolderInbox) Set objSearchFolder = Inbox i = 0 If Inbox.Items.Count = 0 Then MsgBox "Inbox is Empty", vbInformation, "Nothing Found" End If For Each item In Inbox.Items vbody = item.Body Range("A2").Select
Do Until ActiveCell.Value = "" ActiveCell.Offset(1).Select Loop ActiveCell.Value = vbody Next Set objSearchFolder = Nothing Set Inbox = Nothing Set ns = Nothing
End Sub

All the mail I want has the same subject "New Enclosure" All the mail also is formatted the same way

Product: ExampleProduct

Enclosure Title: Example. 2014;20(1):75-83.

Enclosure ID: Example, 2014

Keywords: Example, Key, Words

I just want to be able to extract the product, enclosure ID, enclosure title, and keywords into an excel sheet into their own cells

So for the first email it will put product in A1 then enclosure title in A2 etc
for the next email it will put it in the next available row