I won't be at my computer until later but I'll explain a bit more.

Basically I have a sheet that has 36 users with their profile data in the proceeding columns, address etc. I use this profile data as the basis of the data i have for each user on the next sheet. This data sheet in a continuous list, this is where I would like to create a drop down in the frozen header that would take me to each user location on the data sheet. Eg; Select User1, jumps to cell A10, Select User2, jumps to A40... The drop down is based on the user name column on the first sheet and although the total of 36 users will never change, their names will so would want the drop down to be dynamic if you understand what I mean.

I spent all day yesterday playing with various things I found but couldn't get any of them working. My knowledge of macros and vba is very limited.