
I have been researching for the last 6 or so hours, trying to find a way to link two workbooks in a way that will allow me to extract data from one and make it auto fill to the other. I have had no luck however, only finding ways to do this with worksheets from the same workbook. Let me better explain exactly what I am trying to do, and maybe someone can tell me if it is even possible.

I have an excel workbook that is designed as a form which we use for employee transfers (Form 1). Within it are sections for the employees name, ID number, current work location, job title, etc. We have another excel workbook which includes all that employee data (Form 2) along with other transferring employees data.

What we want to be able to do is enter the employees ID number into a cell in Form 1, and have just that employees data transfer over from Form 2 to Form 1 into specific cells, depending on where on the form those sections are.

My other issue I found while researching was not being able to detail where on Form 1 each piece of data goes, like their name, department, title, etc. Everything I saw was very basic in that it copied the data into the next empty row.

If anyone can help point me in the right direction, I would be so very grateful!!
