Hello, I am working with Google Sheets and I have the attached sample Workbook which was downloaded from Drive.
What I have:
- Each task has a start date and an end date.
- The start date of the first task i.e. C6 will be the first date that has to be plotted since the project starts with this task.
- Also, each task has a State which determines if the task is: Not started, In progress or Finished (the background color changes accordingly).
- A section of Comments was created to indicate if the task is delayed i.e. if a not started task or in a progress task are not finished before today's date.
- NOTE: The date format must be DD/MM/YYYY or DD/MM.
I need to create in Google Sheets the (incomplete) chart of the attached image.
- The chart must contain all of the enumerated tasks (in rows) and a period to be determined by me on how many days it progress (in the image it is every 1 week starting from C6) (in columns).
- Each bar has to be filled depending on the State (red if it were not started, yellow if it is in progress or green if it is finished).
- To the right of each bar, the duration in days of each task must be shown (in the image they are 12, 20, 9, ...).
- NOTE: Some tasks are not drawn correctly since it would take me a long time to draw them.
Is that possible using Google Sheets? How can we do it? Thanks!