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How to import multiple csv files in to access database

  1. #1
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    Excel 2007

    How to import multiple csv files in to access database

    Hi All,

    I have nearly 97 csv file kept in one folder. I need them to import all the csv in to my access database.
    Is it possible to do in macro or vba code. I need them to it in a regular basic

    Sathish Kumar
    Last edited by sathishkm; 05-23-2023 at 03:38 AM.

  2. #2
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    Re: How to import multiple csv files in to access database

    Launch Microsoft Access and open your Access database.

    Create a new table in Access that matches the structure of your CSV files. Define the appropriate field names and data types to match the columns in the CSV files.

    Navigate to the "External Data" tab in the Access ribbon and click on the "Text File" button in the "Import & Link" group.

    In the "Get External Data - Text File" dialog box, select the first CSV file you want to import and click "Import."

    In the "Import Text Wizard," choose the appropriate options for file origin, delimiter, and text qualifier based on the format of your CSV files. Ensure that the data preview shows the data in the correct columns.

    Click "Next" and select the option "Append a copy of the records to the table."

    Choose the table you created in Step 2 from the drop-down list and click "Next."

    Map the fields in the CSV file to the corresponding fields in the Access table. Ensure that the mappings are accurate, and all fields are properly aligned.

    Click "Next" and specify any additional options, such as primary key settings or field formats, as required.

    Click "Finish" to complete the import process for the first CSV file. Access will import the data and append it to the selected table.

    Repeat steps 4-10 for each additional CSV file you want to import, selecting the same Access table as the destination for each import.

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