Hi all,

In the process of creating a tool that will calculate Sales Presentation dates when both Launch Date and Launch Markets (multiple selections) are given. Is this possible? I have read up on VLOOKUPs and IF Formulas but they only seem to work for single value inputs, rather than multiple!?

The output (Sales Presentation Date), would need to be based on a particular date range within which Launch Date falls. Timings between Sales Presentation and Launch Date vary between Launch Markets, so output would need to be the earliest possilbe Sales Presentation date based on the Launch Markets that have been selected.

Steps would be:


1. Input Launch Markets (Multiple Selection via Data Validation) B1 - B5
2. Input Earliest Launch Date B7

3. Output Earliest Sales Presentation Date B9

If somebody could kindly help me out on this, or point me in the right direction, it would be much appreciated.

Thank you!